ETC card rental
오사카에서 렌트카를 빌리려면 도요타렌타리스 신오사카에. 간사이공항·오사카공항에서 이용하기도 편리합니다. 자동차 리스 견적도 무료입니다.

ETC card rental

도요타렌타리스 신오사카 예약센터
Tellfree within Japan 0800-7000-815

ETC card rental

☆So Simple and Convenient!
◎No need for cash when driving in the ETC lane!
You can pay in full when returning the car at the rental branch
☆Great Savings!
◎Using ETC is cheaper than paying with cash!
* ETC card can only be borrowed with car rental.
* Advance reservation needed (ETC card supplies limited).
* When booking via the internet, please write ‘ETC Card’ in the [Other opinions / requests] section.
* Usage agreement must be signed when borrowing ETC card.
* ETC payment is made when returning rental car to the branch.
* Rental car must be returned to the same branch (One-way / drop-off rental plans are excluded).
One-way rental between Kansai Airport Branch ⇔ Yotsubashi-suji Shinsaibashi Branch or Kansai Airport Branch ⇔ Shin-Osaka Mikuni Branch.